PERL: Dígito verificador con Perl (Chile). #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $s_Rut = "30686957"; my @a_rut = split '', $s_Rut; print("@a_rut" ."\n"); my @rut_rev = reverse @a_rut; print("@rut_rev" ."\n"); my $adding=0; my $multi=2; foreach my $n (@rut_rev) { print ("$n \n"); $adding = $adding + ($n * $multi++); if($multi==8){ $multi=2; } } print ("$adding \n"); my $module=$adding%11; my $dv=11-$module; if($dv == 11){ $dv=0; } if($dv == 10){ $dv='K'; } $s_Rut="$s_Rut-$dv"; print("RUT: $s_Rut\n");
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Perl: File into Array
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#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $filename = 'hobbies.txt'; open (my $handle , ' or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!"; chomp (my @hobbies = <$handle>); close $handle; my $totalHobbies = $#hobbies; print "hobbies: @hobbies\n"; print "---------------: $totalHobbies\n"; print "1st. hobby: $hobbies[0]\n"; my $index=9; print "nine hobby: $hobbies[$index]\n"; print "last hobby: $hobbies[$totalHobbies]\n"; my $randomHobby=int(rand($totalHobbies+1)); print "Random hobby: $hobbies[$randomHobby]\n"; # generate ages between 18 and 118 years my $minYear=18; my $range=100; my $randomYear=int(rand($range)) + $minYear; print "Random year: $randomYear\n";
I love my Job
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I am graduated of Computer System Engineer from Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Design and modeling (Databases and Software) with UML and coding software; work and management different operating systems, including Windows and Unix/Linux, and how certain types of software work with them; knowledge of programming languages such as Java EE (11 years), HTML, CSS, JavaScript (with Ajax and jQuery), PHP, Linux Shell Scripting and Python; I have developed and implemented Web Applications with Java EE including JSF, Struts, EJB, JPA and Hibernate; database management Postgresql (with PL/PgSQL), Oracle (with PL/SQL), Sql Server and MySql; Application integration with OSB (Oracle Service Bus), SOAP/REST Web Services for interchanging of data with mobile systems Android; Servers management on FreeBSD and Linux; Study in data analysis and knowledge extraction from sets of data (with Simulated Annealing). Through self-learning I have studied NoSql Architecture, Sap Hana, In Memory...